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30 Types of Pink Flowers: Names and Images

Discover the Beauty: Names and Images of 30 Types of Pink FlowersЁЯМ╣

Pink colour has its own beauty and tenderness. Pink flowers are considered as the iconic flower in a garden because these flowers grabs the attention of people. Softness, fragnance, harmony, and affection are found in pink flowers.

What is the most popular pink flower?

Pink flowers are also used in decoration because pink flowers not only relax the eyes but it also calms the mind. Variety of pink flowers are found all over the world. But people have very little knowledge about those pink flowers.

Rralistic Pink Rose,pink flowers,pink flowers names and pictures
Rralistic Pink Rose

People only know about Rose, lotus and Lily as pink flowers but a variety of pink flowers are found in nature. The pink flowers are also found in categories like deep pink flowers, light pink flowers and small pink flowers. Here you get all the information about pink flowers and its variety.

Variety of pink flowers found in most famous countries in the world

Every country has its own climatic condition thatтАЩs why the flowers& trees found in those countries are also different from each other.

Pink flowers are the most beautiful flowers. In the world, pink flowers are found in different species but all the flowers look extremely beautiful and found in different parts of the country. For providing you with the information about pink flowers below I shared the pink flowers name which are found in different countries. The name of the pink flowers are different as per its species.

The United States has its unique weather and climatic conditions. Beautiful & colourful flowers are found in the US. The United States has its own species of pink flowers. You will find there are some are light pink flowers and some are small pink flowers.

  • 1 Wax Begonia тАУ The botanical name of

Wax Begonia is Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum. The petals of the pink flower are light pink and offer a long flowing period in the summer. ЁЯМ║

wax begonia flower,pink flowers names
Wax Begonia
  • 2 Azalea тАУ Azalea is also identified from its botanic name Rhododendrons. If you are looking for shrubs with pink flowers then you should not miss Azalea.

Azalea,Pink flowers names ,pink flowers names

  • 3 Chenille тАУ This pink flower is just like a caterpillar. The botanic name of this flower is Acalypha hispida. This weird pink flower is also known as monkeyтАЩs tail and cattail.

Pink flowers names Chenille,succulent with pink flowers

  • 4 Dahlia тАУ Dahlia is the favourite flower of most people. In all Dahlias, pink dahlias gain more love from people. Dahlia is the national flower of Mexico.

Pink flowers names ,Dahlia

  • 5 Lenten Rose тАУ It is one of the very beautiful pink flower species. It is also known as Helleborus тАШParis in PinkтАЩ.

Lenten Rose,pink flowers names and pictures,pink flowers emoji
Lenten Rose

The beautiful and unique pink flowers are found in the United Kingdom. The name of the pink flowers which found in United Kingdom has mentioned below тАУ

  • 6 Alyssum тАУ Alyssum is a very beautiful small pink flower which is known for its mild and sweet fragrance.

Alyssum,pink flowers names and pictures

  • 7 Ivy Geranium тАУ It is a unique pink flower which is found in different patterns and shades. But Ivy Geranium light pink flower is the best shade among them all.

Ivy Geranium,pink flowers names and pictures
Ivy Geranium

  • 8 Camellia тАУ Camellia is also known as winter rose. Because the Beatles and shades of this flower is just like the rose a beautiful pink flower.

Camellia,pink flowers names and pictures
  • 9 Gaura тАУ Gaura is also known as Oenothera lindheimeri. Repeat Azhar is the botanical name of Gaura.

Gaura,pink flowers names and pictures

  • 10 Dianthus тАУ The petals of Dianthus are very beautiful. This pink flower has a mild fragrance. It is mostly found in light pink colour.

Dianthus pink flowers names and pictures

India is a very beautiful country and has nature friendly climatic conditions. India also has a unique species of pink flowers. The pink flower which is found in India has been discussed below.

  • 11 Bougainvillea тАУ Bougainvillea glabra is the botanical name of Bougainvillea. This flower is found in many colours but pink colour suits it very well.

Bougainvillea,pink flowers names and pictures

  • 12 Nerium Oleander тАУ In all pink flowers Nerium Oleander has its own simplicity and beauty. This pink flower is famous for its hue and fragrance.

Nerium Oleander,pink flowers names and pictures
Nerium Oleander

  • 13 Impatiens balsamina тАУ It is the common post monsoon flower of India. The plant of this flower is found in many colours. But it is mostly found in pink colour.

Impatiens balsamina,pink flowers names and pictures
Impatiens balsamina

  • 14 Lotus тАУ Lotus is the national flower of India. Lotus is also a pink flower. Lotus falls in the category of light pink flower.

Lotus,pink flowers names and pictures

  • 15 Rose тАУ Rose which symbolise love are found in many colours. In India rose has two special pink flower species. The first is light pink flower and deep pink flower.

Rose,pink flowers names and pictures

Canada is also known for its beauty. Different species of pink flower are found in Canada. The name of the pink flowers which found especially in Canada are тАУ

  • 16 Lantana тАУ The botanical name of the flower is Lantana camara. It is a unique pink flower because the petals of this flower are pink and yellow.

Lantana,pink flowers names and pictures

  • 17 Tuberose тАУ The light pink shade of this flower is very unique and beautiful. It has an amazing fragrance.

Tuberose,pink flowers names and pictures

  • 18 Spider Lily тАУ This lily looks like a spider. These flowers are found in a deep pink colour.

Spider Lily,pink flowers names and pictures
Spider Lily

  • 19 Joe-Pye Weed тАУ The botanic name of the flower is Eutrochium purpureum. It looks weird and this flower is found in light pink colour.

Joe-Pye Weed,pink flowers names and pictures
Joe-Pye Weed

  • 20 Pink Amaryllis тАУ Hippeastrum is the botanical name of Pink Amaryllis. The petal colour of the flower is light pink and white.

Pink Amaryllis тАУ Hippeastrum,pink flowers names and pictures
Pink Amaryllis тАУ Hippeastrum

Australia is also a well-known country. The weather of Australia is cold but in this climatic situation plant flowers still grow. The name of the pink flowers are тАУ

  • 21 Pink Amaryllis тАУ it is also known as belladonna flower. This light pink colour flower is very beautiful and has an attractive fragrance.

Pink Amaryllis,pink flowers names and pictures
Pink Amaryllis

  • 22 Rue Anemone тАУ it is a late spring pink flower. The petals of the flowers are light pink.

Rue Anemone,pink flowers names and pictures
Rue Anemone

  • 23 Arum Lily тАУ Arum Lily enhances the beauty of the garden. The petals of the flower are very unique.

Arum Lily,pink flowers names and pictures
Arum Lily

  • 24 Hyacinth тАУ The bright pink colour petals are found in Hyacinth. This flower gives a stunning look to your home d├йcor.

Hyacinth,pink flowers names and pictures

  • 25 Lathyrus тАУ the botanic name of the flower is Lathyrus odoratus. This flower has a unique light pink colour petals.

 Lathyrus,pink flowers names and pictures

The Philippines is also a nature friendly country. The different species of small pink flowers are found in the Philippines. The pink flower names which are found in Philippines has been shared below тАУ

  • 26 Yarrow тАУ The botanical name of the flower is Achillea millefolium. It is a sweet scented flower.

Yarrow flowers,pink flowers names and pictures

  • 27 Bleeding Heart тАУ it is the most beautiful pink colour flower found in the world. It is the best indoor hanging plant.

Bleeding Heart тАУ it is the most beautiful pink colour flower found in the world. It is the best indoor hanging plant.
Bleeding Heart

  • 28 Meadowsweet тАУ it is the best small pink colour flower because the fragrance of the flower is undescribable. Meadowsweet is also known as the Queen of the Meadow.

Meadowsweet,pink flowers names and pictures

  • 29 Allium тАУ Allium looks like a pom-pom. This flower is mostly found in pink and purple colour.

Allium,pink flowers names and pictures

  • 30 Dark Eyes Fuchsia тАУ This flower is found in mostly deep pink colour. It is also known as Fuchsia x hybrida тАШDark EyesтАЩ.

Dark Eyes Fuchsia,pink flowers names and pictures
Dark Eyes Fuchsia

What flowers are pink?

Flowers are found in a variety of colours red, yellow, orange, white, pink and so on. But in all flowers pink flowers attract the attention of people. Some flowers are mostly found in pink colour and there are some flowers also which have a beautiful pink colour. The names of some pink flowers are Rosa, Peony, Dahlia, and Carnation.

What are little pink flowers called?

Not all the pink flowers are big, there are some little pink flowers which are mostly known as small pink flowers. There are a large number of small pink flowers found in the world and it mostly belongs to the Carnation family. The names of some small pink flowers are Rose Thrift, Butterfly Bush, Phlox Subulata, Hollyhock etc.

Is there a flower named Pink?

Yes! There is a flower named pink. Dianthus genus is a unique large flower. The flowers include evergreen perennials, biennials and annuals. It is a most popular garden type pink flower known as a Pink garden flower.

What are the best pink flowers?

Every pink flower has its own speciality and fragrance. These pink flowers are popular for their beauty. All pink colours are best. The names of the best pink flowers are Azalea, Begonias, Calla Lily, Carnation, Cherry Blossom, Hibiscus, Orchid, Primrose and many more.

What does pink flowers mean?

Every flower symbolises a unique thing. The different colour of flowers denotes different things. Pink flowers have a special meaning. Pink flowers symbolise love, beauty, happiness and peacefulness. Pink colours bouquet are given to the mothers in the occasion of motherтАЩs day.

Which flower gives natural pink colour?

Mostly the pink flowers are found in pink colour. It is the original colour of the flower. But yes there is a flower! Which gives natural pink colour after being a different colour flower. Red hibiscus is the flower which gives natural pink colour because red hibiscus gets soaked in the night and turns into pink colour.

Do pink roses have a meaning?

Every colour of rose has its own unique meaning. And in all colours pink rose symbolise the faminity, purity, joy, gentleness and elegance. Pink roses are used in different occasions as per the need.

What do pink flowers mean spiritually?

Yes! Pink flowers has a spiritual meaning also. Pink colour flowers spiritually symbolised the passion and sacrifice. The pink colour roses spiritually denotes the gratitude and peace in human. It also symbolise love and pureness. Pink flower colours also symbolises the grace and innocence.

What flower turns from pink to white?

There are some pink flowers which turn into white naturally. The light pink colour hibiscus turns from Pink to white at night when it get soaked. L. Hibiscus mutabilis is the flower which mostly truns from pink into white.

Why are hydrangeas pink?

Hydrangeas are mostly found in pink colour. Hydrangeas are found in pink colour because of the pH of the soil. In alkaline soil every flower turns in the red or pink colour.

What does a pink rose mean in the Bible?

According to the Bible different colour of roses symbolise different meaning. Pink rose also has special meaning according to the Bible. Pink rose spiritually denotes pureness and holiness. In Bible, Pink rose also symbolise the passion and sacrifice of pink rose.

What symbolizes a rose ?

Rose is the flower which symbolize love and romance. That is the reason why rose are given to the beloved in valentineтАЩs Day. Different colour of roses symbolise different meanings. Red Rose symbolise love, pink rose symbolise Romance and black rose symbolize hate.

What do dark pink flowers mean?

Pink flowers has many shades. Some pink flowers are found in Light shade and some are in dark pink colour. The dark pink flowers symbolise strong admireness to someone. Dark pink flowers means also symbolises gentleness and fairness.


After reading the post, you get all the information about pink flowers. The species of pink flowers are found in all over the world.


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